Brief about company :
Your Khushi team are group of Corporates with more than 35 years of corporate experience in different sectors (Compiled Together) their management team consists of Industry Veterans and Well Read Individuals. YOURKHUSHI Helps candidate publish his candidature and get his dream job.
Name : Bikas Munshi
Designation : Owner
company : your khushi Consultancy
Website :
1. Tell Us About Yourself
Hello students I am Bikas Munshi, I have done MBA in Marketing from ITM, also associate with Reliance Ltd. for college placements and training program which involves me to travel entire Maharashtra. I also provide training programs to BSFI sector (Banking, Securities, Finance, Insurance). majorly we conduct campus interviews for undergraduate students like B.COM, BBA, BMS, BAF etc. in various institutes pan Maharashtra.
2. Tell Us About Your Venture
‘Your Khushi’ the venture initiated by my wife. we are available on saturday-sunday. With this Venture we help candidates to find out suitable placements. there are students who go for higher education they directly take an admission in MBA and post graduation courses. For Graduate students like BBA, BMS, BAF, BBI who are willing to go for the job after their graduation. We provide them a proper platform where we arranges line of interviews and we tell them how to crack interviews. In short we are campus recruit company, we place student during their final year graduation as in some body is expecting results and they think they should start giving interview so that by the time declaration of their graduation they will have job in hand.
3. why this name ‘Your Khushi’?
basically the concept is “If I work for my khushi then i should also work for your khushi by providing you the best suitable job, discover himself for the job profile which he or she is looking at.” this is how we work for your khushi. we gets a success here when our candidate gets a desired position in corporate through us.
4. Can You Tell Us Major Attitude Of Candidates
We majorly work with graduate students who are willing to join job after the graduation. when candidate come for an interview there are two things which comes in to the picture. one is their skills which candidate acquired and skills that are required for job and another is willingness to join the corporate and dedication for sector. Candidates always comes with the confusions and certain boundaries which restricts them to enter in to corporate. Some candidates are also confuse whether to do job or get a Post graduation. once the candidate start setting up their boundary limit they almost close the door for the certain job profiles which they deserves and end it on the profiles which they do not worth it. I agree this fact, that students are just got away from educational and college touch therefore it is very difficult to make decisions for them but they must learn with this experiences. In your Khush we focus it on will more than skills because will of the candidate only will allow them to enter in to corporate.
5. What HR is expecting From Candidate in Today’s World
If you are looking at global scenario the HR world changing allot more over now most of the company checks the willingness of candidate rather than his skills. Here the key point is ‘Right Attitude’ in terms of what ever role and responsibility is given to them, they have to perform their 100% and to overcome all the challenges. Next is ‘skill set’. we definitely want people who have a skills in communication and in another area. it is a must to have a skill and right attitude with you.
6. Does ATKT affects the career Of A Student
Yes definitely! ATKT affects allot on a candidate’s career. When Candidate goes for an Interview, Interviewer or analytic team analyse the results and percentage of the graduation. If he gets KT in any subjects almost the major companies reject the candidate after having the finest skills in him. So ATKT is very important. I can understand some times paper is so tough that even skillful person also gets failed but no option here. “if you want good job, get a good marks as well.”
7. what Message Would like to give to BBA students
As a student if you are further looking for job after completion of your graduation you should be ready with your skills, knowledge and most important decision and start preparing for the grand entry in corporate. If your financial backup is good the post graduation is preferable for better position and great earning.
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